Friday, November 5, 2010

Holy Blessings, Batman!

I really expected to write in this blog about how hard it is being a Christian - with not being able to indulge in all the sinful pleasures I've always wrapped myself up in, having to study the bible, praying all the time, etc etc.  But, I have to tell you, this is one of the most amazing times of my life!  God has literally been answering my prayers within a day or two of praying them!  He is pouring blessing after blessing on me and my family - so much so that I told Chris the other day that I felt like I would explode from joy.  I don't deserve all of this, and it's so overwhelming that God loves us so much that he will bless us in this way! He has blessed me financially, personally and spiritually this week (more than once) and has totally changed my heart toward many worldly things I've had in my life. 

A Change of Heart
One thing that really surprised me about this whole process is that almost overnight my views have changed on so many different things: I don't think the same things are funny anymore, I don't want to read the same books I used to read, I listen to different music, and many of my (ahem) sinful ways have been pushed in my face until I can no longer ignore them.  You know what's funny, though?  I'm ok with all of it!  I'm very much a control freak, so this would normally be a terrifying experience for me, but I'm loving the way my life is changing and can feel the presence of the Lord in many things I do now.  How awesome is that!?!

I also have a new heart for those around me.  I have more compassion for people (which is hard to do because I've always had a bleeding heart), I'm not angry at those who have wronged me, and I realize more quickly when I have wronged someone else.  I WANT to admit when I'm wrong (ugh) and I am feeling pulled to call those who have wronged me and give them forgiveness.  I've always been a pretty prideful person, so this is a biggie for me.

It's All Fun & Games Until...

This change of heart I've had has made me make some tough decisions that are majorly affecting my relationships with those closest to me...Especially those who aren't believers right now.  I'm not going to go into too many details, because I don't want to put other's personal feelings out there to the world, but God is pressing upon me to make these changes and I have to trust that He will make everything work out.  I've been praying a lot for my loved ones - that God will soften and open their hearts to him.  I see now the pain that we are all in without God in our lives - the strife and worry, the longing and grief - and I want for everyone to be as blessed and happy as I have been.

My future mother-in-law sent me a really awesome prayer that I want to share with you.  I'm starting a new prayer category of this blog that will help some of us just starting out


Mt 21:21
Rom 13:11
Rom 13:11
Col 1:13
Rom 13:12
Rom 13:14
Rom 13:13
Ps 119:37
2Tim 2:26
Rom 13:13
Heb 10:22
Mt 5:6
Ps 119:37
Col 1:9
Col 1:9
Col 1:10
Col 1:10
Col 1:10
Col 1:11
Rom 8:30
1Chr 28:9
Ps 32:8
Jas 1:22
Ps 119:97
Ps 112:6
1Cor 10:13
Rom 13:8
1Jn 3:18
Ps 110:3
Mt 6:33
Prov 3:9
Prov 3:9
Ps 111:1
Ps 111:1
Mic 6:8
Ps 112:4
Ps 112:4
Father, I come before You in prayer and in faith.
Your Word says that now is the time for all to awaken from sleep,
For our salvation is nearer now than we first believed.
Lord, deliver my loved ones from the power of darkness,
and cause them to put on the armor of light.
Help them in their daily walk to put on the Lord Jesus Christ
and to avoid the lusts and idolatry of life.
Cause them to turn their eyes away from worthless things,
to come to their senses, and escape the snare of the devil.
Deliver them from immorality, strife, and envy,
and draw them near to You, Father, with a true heart.
Create in them a hunger and thirst for You and Your righteousness,
and revive them in Your ways.
I ask that You fill them with the knowledge of Your will
in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
that they might have a walk worthy of You, Lord,
fully pleasing You, being fruitful in every good work,
and increasing in the knowledge of You,
strengthened with all might, according to Your glorious power.
Bring them into the calling that You have predestined for them;
help them to serve You with a loyal heart and with a willing mind,
and instruct them in the way they should go.
Let them be doers of the Word and not hearers only,
meditating in Your Word day and night.
Establish their heart, so they will never be shaken,
and show them a way of escape with every temptation.
Let them owe no man anything except their love.
A love that is in deed and truth, not just in word and speech.
Let them be volunteers serving You in the time of Your power.
Seeking first Your kingdom so that they will reap abundant blessings.
I pray that they will honor You with their possessions
and with the firstfruits of their increase;
Praising the Lord with their whole heart in the assembly
of the upright and in the congregation,
walking humbly with You Lord, being determined to act justly,
loving mercy and righteousness,
being gracious and full of compassion.

Friday, October 29, 2010

My story of salvation....

On My Way to Church
I've always believed in God and that Jesus died for our sins.  I wasn't raised in church and didn't have a strong religious upbringing, but God has intervened on my behalf more than once in my life and I've always known He was there.  I have been wanting to go to church for a few years now - mainly because I felt like I was failing my children by not teaching them about God.  I have been waiting for my fiance to lead the way, or a sign, or something to happen to make me get up on Sunday morning and go.  It finally came when my grandmother moved here and asked me to come with her and find a new church. 

Last Sunday, I walked into Grand Strand Community Church and felt very nervous.  I was meeting my grandmother there and I was early.  The room was filled with about 200 strangers - all who were smiling and friendly - but strangers nonetheless.  I received a gift bag, shook some hands and found a seat in the back of the church.

My grandmother showed up and I took my son to "Kingdom Kids," the children's church.  Finding my way back to my seat, I got ready to try and open my heart and not worry about my fears of being seen as someone who wasn't a true Christian.  The pastor took the stage, dressed in jeans and a polo shirt and, to my astonishment, a band got up on stage.  A real band with guitars and everything!  The music was contemporary, uplifting and not the least bit dusty as I thought it would be.  So far, so good.

The Sermon
Next, the pastor started his sermon, which was all about receiving the Holy Spirit and doing more as a Christian than just being saved.  He explained that, yes, you would go to heaven if you asked for salvation and believed that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected on the third day...but there's so much more in store for those who truly devoted their lives to the Lord and did more to help their fellow brother.  He referred to the C.S. Lewis' book, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" where a boy has turned into a dragon and must painfully peel off layer upon layer of scaly dragon skin in order to return to his true self.  He talked about the fears we all have from pursuing a higher devotion to God and one fear hit me right between the eyes - he actually said "Some of us are afraid of being seen as one of 'them'."  Holy cow, I was busted. 

The rest of the time the pastor spoke, I felt as though he was speaking only to me.  I listened intently, cried like a baby and lifted my heart to God.  I left that church feeling so happy and wonderful and blessed...until the next day.

Harder Days to Come
I'd first like to say that I am truly blessed by God.  I have two wonderful children (Aidan, 3 and Abigail 18 months) and a wonderful fiance named Chris.  I've almost always had success in new ventures I decide to take on and have always had a positive attitude.  Having said that, some hard times have been brought on my family and I.  We have recently relocated to Myrtle Beach from Charlotte, NC due to an illness in my family and have been struggling since we've been here.  I've had trouble getting my business up and running here, I've been quarreling with those closest to me, lost interest in many of the things I like to do, and have generally been at odds with the world around me.  We are finding it hard to buy groceries for our family, pay bills and I have absolutely no money to invest in my business.  With all of this on my shoulders, the next few days after my uplifting experience was filled with depression.

God, Help Me Change
Aidan started asking more and more questions about God during the days after our first visit to GSCC, so I decided to call the church and meet with the pastor, so he may guide me in my search for the word and to be closer to God.  I was able to meet with him yesterday and that visit honestly changed my life.  He prayed with me and gave me a new book: "The Path to Power" which is a new believers workbook.  During our chat he asked me what I did for a living.  I replied that I was a web designer and he laughed out loud.  He then opened the door to his office and told the church administrator and secretary my profession.  "God is awesome!" he exclaimed.  Turns out the church needs a new website!

After my meeting with the pastor, I sat down with the administrator and secretary to answer some website and marketing questions.  God put these people in front of me and they only offered me a solution for my business dilemma.  The secretary especially is a wondrous person who took me to lunch and offered me scripture and kind words to help me on my walk with Jesus.  She made things so clear for me in those couple of hours and cleared my heart of so much guilt and burden I had been carrying around. 

I thank God for these awesome people and for leading me down this path.  I am working diligently in the book Pastor Williams gave me and hope to have many more great stories to tell about how the Lord is working in my life!